
Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Choices for Oscar's Best Picture of 2007

With the Oscars airing on Sunday night, I figured I'd tell you folks my favorite movies for last year. I made my choice for the movies that should of been nominated for best picture. Movie critics are always wrapping up the year with lists of their favorite and worst movies. I guess I can do the same. Funny thing is my favorite movie of the year is also on my list for the fourth worst movie of the year. Go figure.

Let's not beat around the bush. My favorite movie of the year was "Michael Clayton," starring that guy who used to be on ER. I noticed it's nominated for an Oscar for best picture, so I clearly have good taste in movies. Rounding out my list, in order of preference, is "Sweeney Todd," "Away From Her" and "The Golden Compass." If you haven't seen them, I recommend you check these movies out when they come to your video store.

Of course, I only saw four movies last year. So my list of worst movies, starting from the bottom up, is "Michael Clayton," "Sweeney Todd," "Away from Her" and, clearly the worst movie of the year, based on all of the ones I saw, is "The Golden Compass." If these come to your local video store, don't waste your money.

I'll be back with some new posts soon. I'm itching to tell you about a little fight me and some of the boys had, and how I tried to solve it. I also had the strangest encounter with someone from the International Brotherhood of Saints Alliance. Then, I still want to get around to tell you about Dee and her car keys.
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Sunday, January 6, 2008

15 Things We'd Say in Church If We Were Honest

It's kinda funny to me how church is usually the last place people are honest. At Unity First, for example, you could walk in on a Sunday morning and ask someone how they're doing, and they'll tell you they're fine when really they've had one of the worst weeks of their lives. I suppose people have their reasons. Still, it got me to thinking about other ways we might be dishonest around church. So here's my list of 15 things that we'd say at church if we was really honest.

1. Where you're sitting, for the record, has been my pew for the past twelve years.

2. I meant to spend time praying for your surgery, but cable was showing a "House" marathon.

3. We respect all viewpoints. Now shut up.

4. All I had was a five, but I took change out of the plate.

5. Turn to the book of what?

6. And right after the men's prayer breakfast, we're going to hold the women's kitchen clean-up.

7. Volunteer in the nursery this morning? I'd rather have my teeth extracted with rusty pliers.

8. The parts of your sermon that kept me awake -- inspiring.

9. If I wanted you to question my decision, I wouldn't have said that God gave me a vision for this.

10. Of course the recliner's a piece of crap. That's why I'm donating it to the youth ministry.

11. See you next Easter.

12. Whoa! You got one ugly baby!

13. I'm not one to gossip but ... Hey, who am I kidding? Pull up a chair.

14. During the sermon, I like to see how many spelling errors I can find in the church bulletin.

15. Actually, this morning, the choir really sucked.

Feel free to share your thoughts on these or suggest some others that could have been on the list.
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